
Friday, December 03, 2004
Cult members deported from Israel
Israel has deported 14 members of an American Christian doomsday cult, who were accused of plotting attacks on sacred sites in Jerusalem. The group - including six children - has now arrived back in Denver, Colorado.
The cult members were arrested last Sunday at rented apartments in the suburbs of Jerusalem.
Police said the Concerned Christians were suspected of planning unspecified "extreme acts of violence" in an attempt to hasten the second coming of Jesus, which they believe will take place at the end of the millennium.
A lawyer who represented three of the group said they were were law-abiding religious pilgrims.
"They did not deny the fact that they are waiting here in Israel to wait for the return of Jesus, but they say they will not be involved in any illegal activity," said lawyer Eran Avital.
A police spokesman said three Israeli policemen were escorting them back to the United States.
"Operation Walk on Water"
Israel has set up a special police task force to deal with threats by Christian cults drawn to Jerusalem in the belief that Jesus will return at the end of the millennium.
Codenamed "Operation Walk on Water", the investigation has the help of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Some fundamentalist Christians believe one of Islam's holiest shrines in Jerusalem - Al-Aqsa mosque - must first be destroyed and an ancient Jewish temple restored in its place if Jesus is to return to Earth.
The 14 cultists were among 60 members of the Concerned Christians group who abandoned their jobs and homes in Colorado several months ago and went missing.
US cult arrests in Israel
Israel is to deport 11 members of a doomsday cult of American Christians suspected of planning collective suicide in Jerusalem.
Three others have appeared before magistrates on suspicion that they were plotting acts of violence.
They were arrested on Sunday after investigations by a special police task force set up to deal with threats of violence by groups drawn to Jerusalem by a belief that Jesus will return at the end of the millenniumA police statement said: "The arrests were carried out to protect certain sectors of the Israeli population and members of the cult themselves who blindly follow a leader who is now overseas."
The group did not resist arrest. Local people said they had been "nice, quiet neighbours".
Apocalyptic cult
The detainees belong to a group called Concerned Christians, an apocalyptic sect based in Denver, Colorado.
Israeli police say they were aware of the arrival of the cult members in November of last year and they had set up a special unit, working with the intelligence service Shin Bet, to monitor various millennial groups.
Around 60 members of the group abandoned their jobs and homes in the US several months ago amid reports that they had gone to Israel.
Members are reported to include both married and single people, white-collar professionals and unemployed workers. They range in age from infancy to 68.
Their leader, Monte Kim Miller, who has been described as charismatic and manipulative, has forecast that he will die in Jerusalem in the final days of December 1999 and believes only he and members of his flock will be saved.
Fear of mosque attack
Israeli authorities are worried about possible attacks on Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque complex by Jewish and Christian extremists during the run-up to the millennium.
The mosques in the complex are built on the site of the ancient Jewish Temple and some Christian sects believe that the Temple will be rebuilt to accompany the return of the Messiah, which in turn means the existing mosques must be destroyed.
The complex, which also houses the Dome of the Rock, is the third holiest site in Islam.
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Jewish Apocalypticism
Old Testament eschatology centers on the conviction that the catastrophes that beset the people of Israel happened because of the Jewish people’s disobedience to the laws and will of God. Subsequent conformity to the will of God will result in the spiritual and physical redemption of the Jewish people. Because the Scriptural references upon which this belief are based were almost all written during periods of exile, this redemption takes the form of the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel and the reestablishment of the Golden Age of the Kingdom of David.
But the return also has a spiritual component, in the form of a return to righteousness in compliance with the Law. Only after the symbolic cleansing of the Jewish people, will Israel be “a light to the nations” tasked with spreading God’s word to the other nations of the world.
Jewish eschatology is thus closely bound up with the concept of a redemptive history, in which the Jewish people are viewed as God’s chosen instrument for the carrying out of his purpose. Thus upon the fulfillment of God’s promises, the Jewish people are to be the vehicle for both their own salvation and that of the rest of the world.
Throughout history Jewish apocalypticism has waxed and waned with the fortunes of the Jewish people. However, with the establishment of the State of Israel, such beliefs have come to be seen by many Jews as a tangible pattern being worked out in modern history. The recapture of the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War, brought about a distinct change in Jewish apocalyptic yearnings. For the first time in over 2,000 years, a Jewish government controlled the Temple Mount, the site of the first two Jewish Temples. Several prominent rabbinical authorities came to believe that Israel was already living in the End Time, and that the Jews must now do their part to prepare the way for the Messiah.
But preparing for the Messiah is not a mere spiritual matter. In the modern reality of the Middle East, it has significant political overtones. The Temple Mount is holy not just to Jews, but over Islamic history has come to be regarded as the third holiest shrine of Islam as well. It is the site of two venerated Islamic holy places—the Dome of the Rock, and the al-Aqsa Mosque, from which according to legend Mohammed ascended to Heaven.
In an article entitled, “The Threat of Jewish Terrorism in Israel,” ICT Islamic expert, Reuven Paz emphasized the growing importance of these shrines to Islam:
Jerusalem in general and the Aqsa Mosque in particular have since 1967 achieved an increasing importance in the eyes of most of the Arab Muslim world, both for governments and for peoples.
The radical Islamic revival in the Arab world has succeeded in establishing Jerusalem and the Mosque as the major point of contention between Israel and the Arabs.The situation is made all the more volatile by the fact that this elevation in sanctity comes at this particular point in history:
This increase in the sanctity of the of al-Aqsa to Muslims takes place on the background of the growing importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to the Israelis in general and to Jewish religious-political groups in particular, particularly since 1967. The issue of Jerusalem has become crucial to both sides, not only as a point of political dispute, but even more as the focus of religious-Messianic contention.
Any attempt therefore, to carry out a terrorist operation in the area of the Aqsa Mosque could be interpreted in the Arab world as part of the Muslim-Jewish global war.
The complexity of the matter was illustrated by Lawrence Wright, in his article, “Forcing the End”:
Soon after the Six-Day War was over, Shlomo Goren, who later became the Chief Rabbi of Israel, led a group of fifty followers onto the Mount, where they fought off Muslim guards and Israeli police and conducted a prayer service.
A week later, the Chief Rabbinate ordered that signs be placed in front of the gates saying that no Jews should set foot on the Temple Mount. The reasoning was that, because Jews are ritually impure, they might accidentally step on the place where the Holy of Holies once stood. Such a desecration is punishable by death at the hand of God. This was supposed to put the Temple Mount theologically off limits…
Despite this proscription, there are several Jewish fundamentalist groups who are convinced that the time to rebuild the Temple is now at hand. The obvious drawback is that the Third Temple cannot be built while the Muslim shrines still stand. There have been several serious attempts to blow up the Muslim holy places. Both Israeli and Islamic authorities are extremely concerned that the ill-conceived actions of a small number of Jewish fanatics may set off a violent confrontation between Muslims and Jews.
One of the more volatile Jewish apocalyptic groups is the Temple Mount Faithful, led by Gershon Salomon. Among the group’s stated long-term objectives is “Liberating the Temple Mount from Arab (Islamic) occupation.” According to the Temple Mount Faithful, “The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque were placed on this Jewish or Biblical holy site as a specific sign of Islamic conquest and domination.”
While the Temple Mount Faithful do not directly call for the destruction of the Muslim shrines, their own suggestion, “that they be removed, transferred to and rebuilt at Mecca,” does not appear to convey much conviction, even within the group itself. [http://www.templemountfaithful.org/obj.htm]
The secular millennium holds no significance for orthodox Jews, who eschew secular New Year celebrations as being alien to Judaism. The irony is that it is precisely here that Jewish apocalyptic aspirations coincide with those of the fundamentalist Christians, who foresee a cataclysmic war in Israel. For nothing would be as sure to set off such a war as the fulfillment of the designs of the Temple Mount Faithful. Any harm to the Muslim shrines on the Temple Mount would be almost certain to bring about a violent confrontation—one that could easily rage out of control.
Nadav Shragai, a reporter for the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz and the author of a 1995 book, “The Temple Mount Conflict,” estimates that there are about a thousand active supporters of the most radical Temple Mount movements.[Quoted in Wright] The potential of the Temple Mount Faithful to stir up conflict in this most sensitive of places is illustrated by an event that occurred in 1990. Salomon led a group of his followers to the Mount in order to lay a “cornerstone” for the Third Temple. As many as five thousand Muslims of all ages turned out to “defend the sanctuaries,” and began hurling stones onto Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall below. The situation rapidly deteriorated into a riot. The Israeli authorities, who had failed to reinforce a police garrison on the Mount, dispatched border guards to control the situation. In the resulting struggle seventeen Muslims were killed and hundreds of people on both sides wounded.
Just how sensitive the site is can be seen in the fact that the opening of an archeological site near the Temple Mount to tourism in September 1996, led to riots by Muslims throughout the country. In the disturbances eighty people were killed..
In a way, the Temple Mount Faithful are only the extreme manifestation of an underlying trend in Jewish fundamentalism, whose more moderate expressions can be seen in the increasing political activity of Israel’s religious population.
Some see the increasing political involvement of religious Jews as stemming primarily from an apocalyptic view of modern history. According to Emmanuel Sivan of Hebrew University, “Jewish fundamentalism of the nationalist branch is mostly the product of the Six Day War.
The fact is that until ‘67 the national religious camp was a very moderate Zionist movement. It has turned extremist because of this apocalyptic vision.” [Quoted in Wright]
Fortunately, the more extreme forms of apocalypticism are in a vast minority in Israel, and are actively represented in only a few organized movements. Israel’s General Security Service is faced with the unenviable task of struggling to keep abreast of every possible provocation by such groups, in a region where a single spark can set off a sweeping conflagration.
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Revisionist Zionism
In 1925, Jabotinsky formed the Revisionist Zionist Alliance to advocate his views which included the tactic of applying more intense pressure on Britain to allow the British Mandate of Palestine to become a Jewish state. Revisionism also advocated the creation of Jewish regiments. In the 1940s, this pressure on the British escalated to the level of violence and armed conflict when followers of Jabotinsky founded the Irgun and its more radical offshoot the Stern Gang.
Ideologically, Revisionism advocated the creation of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River, i.e. a state which would include all or part of the modern state of Jordan. Revisionism also opposed power-sharing with Arabs and favoured at least a partial transfer of the Arab population out of Palestine in order to ensure a Jewish majority.
When, in 1935, the Zionist Organization (later known as the World Zionist Organization) failed to accept Jabotinsky's program, he and his followers seceded to form the New Zionist Organization. the NZO rejoined the ZO in 1946. Revisionism also had a youth wing known as Betar and formed a political party in Palestine named Herut under the leadership of Menachem Begin.
Revisionist Zionism was influenced by the romantic nationalism of Italian nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi as well as the ideas of Nietzsche . In the 1930s a number of leading Revisionist were inspired by the fascist movements of Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco.
Abba Ahimeir, one of Jabotinsky's senior lieutenants in the 1930s, had a regular column in the Revisionist magazine Doar Hayom which ran under the title "From the Notebook of a Fascist".
He wrote hymns in which Jabotinsky was referred to as "Our Duce" and even argued that Hitler was on the right track except for his excessive anti-Semitism. Revisionism's favourable attitude towards fascism receded once Hitler took power and unleashed the Holocaust.
Revisionist Zionism was a minority trend in Zionism for many years but it gained influence in the decades after the creation of the state of Israel. In 1978 the Likud Party a right wing coalition dominated by the Revisionist Herut came to power and has been a dominant force in Israeli politics ever since.
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The iron wall
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SALON April 13, 1998
JERUSALEM -- Just as Kofi Annan was leaving town and U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross was arriving to try to keep the peace process going, and just as Benjamin Netanyahu was once again donning the skullcap and visiting fortified Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, I managed to ask him in public whether he still believed in the relevance of early Zionist theorist Vladimir Jabotinsky.
He affected not to understand the question. The only things that mattered, he replied, were Israeli "security" and a further renunciation by Yassir Arafat of the Palestinian covenant, which called for the elimination of the state of Israel. This, I thought, was something of a dodge. The covenant made by Jabotinsky's Revisionist movement predates the PLO covenant by several decades, and calls for permanent Israeli control of "Judea and Samaria" along with the aspiration for so much of what is now Jordan. Given Netanyahu's determination to hang on to territory that, under the Oslo peace accords, should have been returned to the Palestinians in exchange for peace with Israel, I thought the question quite relevant.
A few weeks ago, in this holy city, a public lecture was offered by Benzion Netanyahu. It was in honor of a man named Abba Ahimeir. Neither of these two men is, perhaps, as well known as he ought to be. Benzion Netanyahu, the 87-year-old father of the Israeli prime minister, is a scholar at Princeton University and the author of "The Origins of the Inquisition," a brilliant and exhaustive account of the anti-Judaism of the Spanish Inquisition, which also explains the persistence of anti-Semitism in modern times.
Abba Ahimeir was a writer and activist in British Mandate Palestine, and a zealous lieutenant of Jabotinsky. In the pages of the magazine Doar Hayom, during the late 1920s and '30s, he wrote a celebrated column titled "From the Notebook of a Fascist." He hymned Mussolini, referred to Jabotinsky as "Our Duce," and even went so far as to say that Hitler was on the right track, except for his excessive anti-Semitism.
Jabotinsky, it must be said, demurred a little on that last point, but still, the Revisionist Betar movement did parade with torches and colored shirts, and had a generally friendly attitude to the emerging "New Order" in Europe until it was almost too late. Ahimeir, said the elder Netanyahu, had been his mentor. And it is very well attested that Netanyahu the younger makes few moves without consulting his revered papa, who also rose to be Jabotinsky's secretary and pallbearer.
In more or less voiding the 1993 Oslo accords and in demanding that Arafat operate as supreme policeman over his own people (but have no other power of any kind), Netanyahu is in fact operating in the spirit of Jabotinsky's famous essay "The Iron Wall," which basically states that there is only one language that Arabs understand. It is obvious, at any rate, that his loud and repetitive slogan about "security" is a euphemism for that same iron wall. One recent news account, and one editorial column, both taken from the Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, appear to prove the point.
On March 21, Ha'aretz correspondent Shani Litman reported an address by Netanyahu to a forum of right-wing retired officers and security men in Tel Aviv. "We are making a constant effort to preserve the maximum," the prime minister told his audience, "including territories I would fight for even if they had no security value." (Italics mine.)
Writing in the same newspaper two days previously, Israeli analyst Akiva Eldar disclosed a "memorandum of understanding" signed between Israeli and Palestinian security chiefs last Dec. 17. Their meeting was facilitated by the CIA station chief in Tel Aviv/Jaffa. In the memorandum, the Palestinian side undertook to combat underground terrorist groups and exchange information on their sympathizers with Israeli security forces.
However, wrote Eldar:
"Netanyahu forbade representatives of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to meet with their Palestinian and American counterparts for the purpose of establishing a joint monitoring mechanism that would supervise the implementation of the memorandum. It is difficult to fathom how this very same individual, who swears allegiance three times a day to the cause of the security of Israel's citizens, is willing to forego a formal Palestinian Authority. The reason for Netanyahu's position is that he is opposed to a concomitant Israeli commitment to confiscate firearms in the possession of Jews who plan, or support, terrorist actions." (Italics mine.)
Netanyahu does not just depend on the clerical and nationalist extremists for votes. He depends on them as allies against the Israeli left, and as shock troops for the West Bank. Moreover, they are his ideological forebears. On the same day that U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross arrived from Washington on yet another fruitless voyage of "mediation," it was discovered that the Israeli Defense Ministry had begun covertly recognizing certain "unauthorized" settlements in Samaria, and connecting them surreptitiously to the Israeli-controlled electric and water grids. This process is known as "laundering" of settlements, which are manned by the most intransigent and fanatical elements of the Greater Israel movement. (The main new Samarian "strongpoint" at Rehalim is financed by Rahavam Ze'evi, the leader of the Molodet Party, which demands the expulsion of all Palestinians from the occupied territories.
The Clinton administration persists in talking as if the only bone of contention between Israel and the Palestinians concerns "percentages" of territory, and the pace at which these would be turned over to Palestinian self-rule. Nothing could be more naive -- or more cynical. On the evidence of his words, Netanyahu is not sincere in his use of "security" as his reason for delay and obfuscation. On the evidence of his own actions, he is not even sincere in demanding that the wretched Arafat act merely as a police proxy. The work of annexation and colonization goes on, Oslo or no Oslo, because it is mandated by high priests and racial nationalists, some of whom have taken their leaves from the same "fascist notebook" penned by Abba Ahimeir. In the name of the father ...
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Kach and Kahane Chai
Kach was an extremist right-wing Israeli party led by Meir Kahane. After his assassination in 1990, it split into two movements, Kach and Kahane chai, literally Kahane lives. This page will deal with all three movements.
Meir Kahane's Kach had two main items on its political agenda. The first was the forced transfer of all Arabs from the borders of Israel, including Israeli citizens. The second was the establishment of a Jewish theocracy. It first ran in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset in 1974, only 3 years after Kahane's arrival to Israel. It failed to attract the minimum votes (at the time, 1 percent) in 1974, 1977 and 1981. It finally entered the Knesset in 1984 and Kahane was its only representative. This caused a significant counterreaction in the Israeli public, and in 1985 Basic Law: the Knesset (basic laws are Israel's equivalent of a constitution) was altered to disallow parties which
Negate the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state;
Preach racism;
Support the armed struggle of an enemy state or a terrorist organization against the state of Israel.
The word Jewish in the first clause was added to make the law balanced between left- and right-wing, and was specifically targeted at another newcomer to the Knesset, the Progressive List for Peace. And indeed, before the 1988 elections, the central elections committee disqualified both parties. Both appealed to the Supreme Court, which upheld the disqualification of Kach due to racism, but reversed the disqualification of the Progressive List. This ended Kach's existence as a political party.
Following Kahane's assassination in 1990, the movement split into two groups with similar ideologies and somewhat overlapping membership: Kach and Kahane Chai.
Kach was led by Baruch Marzel out of Hebron. Kahane Chai was led by Meir's son Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane out of Kfar Tapuach until he was killed in an ambush by Palestinian extremists in 2000.
Both groups were outlawed by Israel in 1994 under anti-terrorism laws following statements in support of Baruch Goldstein's (himself a Kach member) massacre of Arabs at the Cave of the Patriarchs.
Many of their leaders spent time in the Israeli jail under counter-terrorist acts, particularly Noam Federman, who spent more than half a year in administrative lockup. They still retain several hundred hard-core supporters, including support from individuals in the United States and Europe.
According to the United States State Department, their current activities include:
Organize protests against the Israeli Government. Harass and threaten Palestinians in Hebron and the West Bank. Have threatened to attack Arabs, Palestinians, and Israeli Government officials. Have vowed revenge for the death of Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane and his wife. [1] (http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/tgp/kach.htm)
External links
The Kahane website (http://www.kahane.org)
Terrorist Group Profiles: Kach and Kahane Chai (http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/tgp/kach.htm) (from the United States State Department)
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism: Kach and Kahane Chai (http://www.ict.org.il/inter_ter/orgdet.cfm?orgid=19)
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Israel's "Unjust" Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
By David Ben-Ariel
As reported on the front page of the Jerusalem Post (Jan. 8, 1996), the GSS (Israeli Secret Police) sought my deportation for alledged involvement in a plot to "damage the mosques."
This travesty of justice occurred during the witch-hunt that followed Prime Minister Rabin's assassination. The Leftists were exploiting the death of Rabin to squash their legal opposition. Such Stalinist tactics were condemned by former Russian refuseniks and Prisoners of Zion.
Thankfully, the regime of Shimon Peres was toppled with the election of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City.
I have also been published in the Jerusalem Post, the Traveller and other publications about the burning issue of the TEMPLE MOUNT.
The Temple Mount suffers under a MILITANT MUSLIM OCCUPATION that FORBIDS CHRISTIANS AND JEWS FROM PRAYING OR READING THE BIBLE there. This despite the fact that both Biblical Temples stood there, and it is the location where Jesus and His disciples taught and prayed. Israel has a law against such violent religious discrimination, but they're afraid or unwilling to enforce it. Such shameful appeasement rewards the Muslim aggressors and punishes the innocent! The Temple Mount Faithful demands an end to this injustice. Meanwhile, the Muslim terrorists continue to destroy rich archaeological evidence upon the Temple Mount that proves JERUSALEM IS JEWISH! The world condemned the Muslim Taliban for blowing up a Buddhist idol, yet has remained deathly silent while JUDAISM'S HOLIEST SITE IS DESECRATED!
In my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, I've called for the Israeli government to exercise its Biblical responsibility to BUILD THE TEMPLE.
I wrote that book in the United States before any of this trouble. It clearly explains that I'm not calling for any individual to remove the mosques, but rather expecting the GOVERNMENT to fulfill their historic obligations (if an "act of God" doesn't solve the problem first). I mentioned this to the police during my six and a half hours of night-time interrogation by six different men. Later I was imprisoned in Jerusalem's rotting Russian Compound (built by the Turks) for several weeks until my heartbreaking deportation (for highlighting the plight of the Temple Mount). As my attorney in Israel, Naftali Warzberger, has written, MY FUTURE IS LINKED WITH THE JEWS AND ISRAEL. That is why I'm confident justice will prevail. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D. Ohio) persistently presented this case of religious discrimination and political persecution before our State Department that turned a blind eye to the facts. (It's now evident why, since the former Consul General in Jerusalem, Edward G. Abington, Jr., is presently a paid lackey of the terrorist PLO! Talk about a conflict of interests that should be investigated!). Senator Mike DeWine (R. Ohio) has inquired on my behalf to return to Zion and was informed that the Israeli Ministry of the Interior has made the decision not to grant the visa and does not offer any information behind their decision. They have since written Senator DeWine that I will not be eligible for a visa until 2005! Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Jerusalem-based Temple Mount Faithful, assures me that a change is coming in Israel that will welcome me back and appreciate my efforts on behalf of Israel.
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Yigal Amir
Amir was born to a Yemenite national-religious Jewish family in Herzliya. He attended Haredi elementary school and yeshiva in his formal education, and served in the Golani Brigade during his IDF service. A law student at Bar-Ilan University, he was involved in organizing demonstrations against the Oslo Accords.
Amir perceived the Oslo Accords as national treason and a threat to the existence of Israel, which led to his decision to assassinate Rabin. His brother, Hagai, and his friend Dror Adani, were his accomplices in this plan. Amir had attempted to assassinate Rabin twice throughout 1995, but these plans fell through moments before implementation.
The assassination and aftermath
On November 4th, 1995, after a demonstration held in support of the peace process, held in Tel-Aviv's "Square of the Kings of Israel" (Kikar Malkhei Yisrael כיכר מלכי ישראל, now Kikar Rabin כיכר רבין), Amir awaited Rabin in the parking lot adjacent the square, where he assassinated him with two shots of a pistol, and injured a security guard with another shot.
The gun used by Amir was a Beretta 84F semi-automatic pistol in .380 ACP caliber, serial number D98231Y.
Amir was caught at the scene of the crime and was sentenced to life imprisonment, and 6 additional years in prison for injuring a security guard. In a later trial, he was sentenced to 5 years (and after an appeal on behalf of the State, 8 years) for conspiring to commit the murder with his brother and Adani. All punishments were accumulative.
Amir was held in isolation in the Be'er Sheva Prison, and was moved to the Ayalon Prison in 2003. His appeals on both punishments were rejected.
Amir has never expressed regret for his act of murder.
Most of the Right wing condemned the assassination despite the vast differences in political views and the widespread disgust at Rabin's policies which the Right felt both emboldened the terrorists and gave them a territorial stronghold within Israel.
Engagement and proposed marriage in jail
During April 2004, the Tel Aviv District Court reviewed the decision regarding a request by Yigal Amir to get married in prison. He became engaged to Larisa Trembovler, an ultra-Orthodox new immigrant from the former Soviet Union, with a Ph.D. in philosophy, and a divorced mother of four. He may have met her on a trip to Russia in earlier times. In January 2004, the Israel Prisons Authority announced that it would prohibit Amir from marrying in jail, despite a law permitting all prisoners to wed and have children.
At the time, the Prisons Commissioner instructed his legal aides to prepare a case to defend the decision, which will likely be based on security considerations. But Amir's lawyers said it violates their client's basic rights and would not hold up in court. They noted that several Palestinians serving multiple life terms have been permitted to marry in prison. Legal analysts have said the Supreme Court would likely uphold any appeal by Amir's lawyer, unless specific legislation is enacted prohibiting him from marrying.
Amir and Trembovler began exchanging letters and speaking on the phone, after she expressed ideological support for him. Trembovler was already married when she first met Amir, and subsequently divorced in order to marry him. Amir's marriage request includes the right to be (conjugally) united with his intended wife in a jail cell, even though he is in solitary confinement, with his every move monitored by cameras.
In September 2004, Amir's family claimed that he had married Trembovler by telephone after obtaining permission from two rabbis.
Conspiracy theories
Many conspiracy theories emerged regarding the assassination of Rabin, but they were all dismissed by the Shamgar investigation committee, which investigated the assassination. However, much uncertainty revolves around the part played by Avishai Raviv who was accused of acting as an agent provocateur for the Shin Bet security services.
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Who Murdered Rabin?
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated on November 4, 1995. Yigal Amir, a young religious Sephardi Jew, allegedly shot him at close range in the back. That's the official version. But the facts tell a very different story.
Was there a conspiracy to kill Rabin? To better understand what exactly happened, a person has to know about Israeli political history. The events that preceeded and followed this assassination also have to be taken into account. All facts in this case must be fully disclosed.
This was not Israel's first political assassination. In 1933, Chaim Arlosoroff was murdered under interestingly similar circunstances. Arlosoroff was a top Mapai (Labor) leader. Probably the only person that could compete with Ben-Gurion for the leadership of the Labor Zionist movement. At the time of his murder, he was negotiating giving away parts of Eretz Israel to the Arabs.
Most Jews hated Arlosoroff policies. Jabotinsky's Revisionist Union, the predecessor of today's Likud party, expressed strong criticism of Arlosoroff's ideas. After the murder, Ben-Gurion accused Jabotinsky of being responsible for Arlosoroff murder. Ben-Gurion was thus able to become the leader of the Jewish Agency and the Zionist movement. It was later proven that not only was Jabotinsky not involved in Arlosoroff's murder, but that apparently Ben-Gurion may have ordered Arlosoroff execution.
A strikingly similar situation emerged in respect to Rabin's assasination in 1995. Rabin was hated by most Jews in Israel. Rabin was considered a traitor and Israel's most incompetent politician. Polls were giving Netanyahu a clear victory over Rabin if elections had been held then. The Jewish Nation wanted the Oslo process stopped immediately. Even Rabin began to understand that the Oslo accords may have been a grave mistake. Two weeks before his murder, he told several members of knesset that he was planning to slow down the Oslo peace process. Rabin wanted to wait before giving additional land to Arafat.
So what really happened on November 4, 1995? How is it possible that Yigal Amir was able to penetrate the "safe zone" where Rabin's bulletproof car was parked? How is it possible that not even one drop of blood was found at the site of the alleged shooting?
As soon as the bullets were fired, a Shabak agent yelled, "Srak. Srak," or "they're blanks, they're blanks," while another agent told Rabin's wife Leah a few moments later not to worry because "the shots were blanks."
One thing is clear: The Prime Minister of Israel was murdered. A terrible crime was commited. And this is a crime that can be solved. Rabin's wife Leah said on several ocassions that many of the people involved in killing his husband were still free. Having Yigal Amir in jail is not enough. Certainly, he could not have acted alone. Rabin's son Yuval and daughter Dalia have made similar statements. The murder of Yitzhak Rabin must be fully investigated. The public has the right to know the truth.
Since Rabin's murder in 1995, several books, articles and reports have been published in Israel and abroad. A conspiracy appears to have taken place, a conspiracy to kill Rabin. Barry Chamish has been in the forefront of investigating Rabin's murder. He wrote the best-selling book in Israel "Who killed Yitzhak Rabin." He mentions a lot of evidence that was totally ignored by the Shamgar commission investigating the case.
Some members of the Labor party tried to censor and ban his book in Israel so it will not be read by the public. Why are they so afraid of this book? Chamish theory, supported by available evidence, is that Yigal Amir did not shoot Rabin. Rabin was actually shot in his car, by his own people, on the way to the hospital. Chamish book is extremely interesting reading and it should be read by everyone seeking justice for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.
Barry Chamish writes: "There are basically only two explanations for Rabin's assassination. One is that the Shabak, one of the world's most respected security organizations, is totally incompetent. The other is that agents on the scene allowed the assassination to take place. Probably with Rabin's knowledge..."
"Amir was to have shot Rabin with blanks, Rabin was to have miraculously escaped an assassination attempt... The public would react with revulsion against the attempted assassination by an extremist right winger and the government could justify a crackdown against opponents of the peace process."
Although Chamish does not write in his book who was behind the murder, most people who read this book get the impression that Shimon Peres may have been involved, and maybe even master minded the whole operation. The evidence in this book supports this theory. Chamish has said that he also believes Shimon Peres is responsible for Rabin's murder. Actually, several members of knesset may also believe this theory. Shimon Peres has strongly denied any involvement, referring to the accusations as a "blood libel".
The first thing a police investigation should determine is who had any reasons to kill Rabin. Although it is true that several elements in the right wing and religious camps hated Rabin's policy, none of them wanted to see him dead. Certainly not one in the national religious camp would have wanted to kill him. Not one in that political camp would approve of a Jew killing another Jew. For them, Rabin was to be defeated in the next elections.
Just like Arlosoroff, Rabin had fierce enemies in his own party. Shimon Peres saw Yitzhak Rabin as his worst political oponent within the Labor party. Rabin was always #1 in the party, while Peres was #2. Shimon Peres was nicknamed "The Looser" by his party collegues, because he could never win an election. Peres happily shook Arafat's hand to get the Nobel peace prize. Rabin, on the other hand, was hesitant to shake Arafat's hand.
When Rabin was murdered, Peres became Prime Minister, and accelerated the process of giving away land to Arafat. Peres immediately attacked all religious Jews in Israel blaming them for the crime, and arrested several prominent Rabbis.
In Arlosoroff's case, Ben-Gurion got rid of strong political competition from Arlosoroff and Jabotinsky. In Rabin's case, Peres was able to get rid of Rabin, his longtime Labor opponent, and Netanyahu together with the whole national religious camp. Peres was thus able to continue the Oslo process which was his idea, not Rabin's.
Apparently, Peres had the motives, and the evidence is against him. But Shimon Peres cannot and should not be accused of anything until proven guilty in a court of law. A full investigation should be conducted by the police, and if necessary, by the Interpol. For some misterious reason, the Labor party has been applying political pressure to prevent such an investigation. If they are not guilty, they should have nothing to fear.
A good example is the case of Avishai Raviv.
Avishai Raviv is the person who gave Yigal Amir the gun that killed Rabin. He also made the call claiming responsability for the murder. He also tried to encourage religious youth to engage in violent protests against Rabin. He created the fake organization Eyal, that appeared in the staged TV report claiming that this group was planning to attack Rabin for being a traitor. Avishai Raviv has been accused of participating in Rabin's murder. But members in the Labor party and the left are protecting him, and he has not been brought to trial.
Who is Raviv? He was working for the Shabak as an agitator in the national religious camp. He is being protected from justice by the Israeli left. They are probably afraid that if Raviv goes to trial, he will tell the real story of who killed Rabin. Raviv's boss, the head of the Shabak at the time is Carmi Gillon, a good friend of Shimon Peres. By the way, Yigal Amir was also a Shabak agent.
And while Raviv is walking free, an innocent girl called Margalit HarShefi was jailed. She was falsely accused of not preventing Rabin's murder. Apparently, she heard Yigal Amir say he was going to kill Rabin, just like several other people did. But no one believed he would do it. Nevertheless, people contacted the police and the Shabak regarding Amir's comments, and those warnings were ignored.
The material in reference to this conspiracy and cover-up grows every day. Hopefully, those who were involved in Rabin's murder will be punished like they deserve. Everyone is responsible to keep this issue in the agenda, so it will not be forgoten. Everyone has to demand a full investigation and complete punishment to those who murdered Rabin.
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The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
During the fight for Jewish statehood, extremist military groups sometimes resorted to the use of terrorist tactics. One such instance occurred in 1948 when members of the Jewish underground organization LEHI (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) killed UN Peace Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte to protest his diplomatic efforts to modify the Palestine partition plan.
Bernadotte, a Swede with family ties to the Swedish King, gained international recognition through his work as head of the Swedish Red Cross during World War II. Bernadotte used his position to negotiate with Heinrich Himmler and save thousands of Jews from concentration camps, although many argue that he could have done more had he been less cautious in negotiations.
A diplomat fluent in six languages, Bernadotte was appointed mediator of the UN General Assembly on May 20, 1948, and was immediately faced with the volatile situation in the Middle East. Arabs and Jews had been fighting over Palestine for decades and the conflict escalated after the adoption of the UN partition resolution on November 29, 1947. When Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, five Arab armies invaded Israel.
On June 11, Bernadotte succeeded in arranging a 30-day cease-fire. After visiting Cairo, Beirut, Amman and Tel Aviv, he came to the conclusion that the UN partition plan was an “unfortunate” resolution and proposed his own plan to unite the two feuding peoples. Instead of establishing individual states, he suggested that Arabs and Jews form a “union” consisting of a small Jewish entity and an enlarged Transjordan. Haifa and Lydda (Lod) airport would become free zones. Israel would receive the Western Galilee and unlimited immigration for two years, after which the UN would take control of the issue. Between 250,000 and 300,000 Arab refugees would be permitted to return to Arab territory with compensation and Transjordan would control the Negev and, despite Israeli claims, Jerusalem.
The Arab world rejected the Bernadotte plan on the grounds that, as Syrian officer Muhammad Nimr al-Khatib said, “Most of these mediators are spies for the Jews anyway.” The Israeli government, hating the idea of giving up Jerusalem and bent on military victory, quickly followed suit. Fighting resumed on July 8 and the Israeli army gained strength and succeeded in pushing back the Arabs until a second UN cease-fire was declared on July 18, this time with no time limit and a threat of economic sanctions against any country that broke it.
One organization that saw Bernadotte’s efforts as a threat was LEHI, a Jewish underground group that, under the leadership of Yitzhak Shamir, Dr. Israel Scheib and Nathan Friedman-Yellin, had waged a campaign of “personal terror” to force the British out of Palestine. LEHI called Bernadotte a British agent who had cooperated with the Nazis in World War II. The organization considered his plan to be a threat to its goal of Israeli independence on both banks of the Jordan River. Commander Yehoshua Zeitler of the Jerusalem branch of LEHI started training four men to kill Bernadotte, and solicited information from two sympathetic journalists about his schedule. LEHI leaders decided to assassinate Bernadotte while he was on his way to a meeting with Dov Joseph, military governor of Jerusalem’s New City, which was scheduled for either 4:30 p.m. on September 17 or sometime on September 18 (the exact date is disputed).
On September 16, Bernadotte flew to Beirut and spent the day there. At 9:30 a.m. on Friday, September 17, he boarded his UN Dakota plane for the 45 minute flight to Jerusalem. After arriving in Palestine, Bernadotte’s day started with a shot hitting an armored car in his convoy while he was visiting Ramallah. No one was hurt and, according to army liaison officer Moshe Hillman, Bernadotte was proud of the bullet hole and showed Hillman the UN flag that had saved him.
Bernadotte’s appointment with Joseph was rescheduled for 6:30 p.m. that day. Bernadotte spent time at the official UN headquarters at the YMCA and at Government House, a potential headquarters for a UN mission. He visited the Jerusalem Agricultural School where he picked up French UN observer Andre Seraut who took the center seat in the UN car, immediately to Bernadotte’s left. The three car convoy then headed back to the YMCA to pick up a copy of the truce regulations before the meeting with Joseph.
Meanwhile, LEHI terrorists adapted their plans to the new meeting time and an Israeli military jeep carrying a driver named Meshulam Makover and four assassins was dispatched to Palmeh Street in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Old Katamon. At 5:03 p.m., the UN convoy drove up and found the jeep blocking its path. The terrorists, wearing khaki shorts and peaked caps, left their jeep, found Bernadotte in the second car of the convoy and one man, later discovered to be Yehoshua Cohen, fired a Schmeisser automatic pistol into the car, spraying the interior with bullets and killing Seraut and then Bernadotte. The other LEHI members shot the tires of the rest of the convoy and all the terrorists escaped to the religious community of Sha’arei Pina where they hid with haredi (ultra-religious) LEHI sympathizers for a few days before fleeing to Tel Aviv in the back of a furniture truck.
Both Seraut and Bernadotte were transported to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, but were found to have died instantly. Bernadotte had been hit six times. On September 18, his body was flown to Haifa and then to Sweden, where he was buried on his wife’s birthday. The Israeli government subsequently cracked down on LEHI, arresting many of its members and confiscating their arms. LEHI disbanded, largely due to public condemnation.
While the world mourned for Bernadotte, some in Israel, such as former Tehiya Member of Knesset and former LEHI radio announcer Geula Cohen, saw it as just another death in war, no more immoral than other killings committed during the long Arab-Israeli conflict. Cohen considers the assassination to have been an effective measure “because we prevented the internationalization of Jerusalem.” Others, however, such as Hebrew University professor Joseph Heller, argue that the killing actually provoked support for the Bernadotte plan by making its author into a martyr. The plan was never implemented, but whether its failure was due to the assassination or simply because of Israeli military strength and other outside factors is pure speculation.
Yitzhak Shamir reputedly played a role in planning the assassination; however, he was never tried and went on to become Prime Minister of Israel.
Bell, J. Bowyer. Terror Out Of Zion. NJ: Transaction, 1996.
“A bullet for the count.” Jerusalem Post International Edition . October 10, 1998, p. 16-18.
Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre. O Jerusalem! NY: Simon and Schuster, 1972 (Amazon.com paperback, Distribooks, 1994).
Sachar, Howard. A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.
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